Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Galveston Vacation Part One

June 7th, 2015 DAY ONE:
          Today we took a six hour drive to Galveston. The drive was filled with laughter, screams, arguments, and other noises.  That might have been the longest drive of my life. I never thought that I would have to hear, "Don't put the silly putty in your underwear," but I did. Even though I hear the weirdest things, I love the craziness in my family. It brings joy to my life. Dalton had to be told not to throw french fries at his brother...which by the way is not the first time someone has had to say that to them. During the drive all of us ended up falling asleep for at least a little while. Those were the only few moments of silence during that drive. Towards the last twenty minutes of the ride, Dalton and Dyson started to get restless. We had to have Dalton find zombies to kill. Dyson and Dalton were told to search for beach houses that were shaped like domes. That held them off for about, oh, five seconds.
          We got to the beach house and all Dalton wanted to do was go inside. He tried everything: he said he was hungry, he just HAD to pee, he wanted water, and he just plainly wanted to go inside.  Nothing he tried worked. We were told to wait outside until everything was ready to be unloaded. Finally, Dalton started to wine really loudly that he was hungry so he was the first to go inside to get grapes. As soon as he came out, we had to unpack. Patrick and I worked really hard, and Dyson helped,too. Dalton was just in the way. He was trying to show us all of the cool things that the house had. I really appreciate his excitement but I was hoping that he would stop and help us. Of course, that didn't happen. After everything was taken to the room where it belonged, We all started to put things away. Each bed had a little table next to it with a lamp. The bedside tables each have a drawer and a cabinet. We put our stuff in the drawers and the cabinets. I brought a few books, my kindle, and a few journals. Now I have my own library n the room. The room is really cool. Wish me luck. For the next week I am sharing a room with Dyson, Dalton, Patrick, and Noah.
             After getting all of our stuff put away, we started using the nets to catch bait. Dalton was all over picking up the live bait that Grampy caught, but Dyson really just watched. Dalton ran ahead and caught the toad that was running across the patio while Dyson just stayed away from the creature. There is a significant difference between what Dalton will do and what Dyson will do. You might as well say that whatever Dyson won't do, Dalton will. The frog peed on Dalton and me when we each held him. He was pretty mad. It seemed like Dalton was about to chuck the frog into the ocean out of anger. Dalton was fuming when the frog peed on his pants. According to Dalton 'those pants were a thousand dollars!'
              Dinner was finally ready. The lasagna was really good. I was just ready for this day to be over. The D's had worked my last nerve and I was really tired.I am currently in our room typing. Dalton was making annoying noises and I watched him kick down the paddle that was mounted on the wall above his air mattress. We had to go down and get the adults help twice because he was mad at Dyson for no reason at all and decided it would be a good idea and attack Dyson who was half asleep. I just watched Patrick Carrying a kicking and punching Dalton down the stairs. He has been evicted from this room. I have to say it is a LOT quieter in this room without him. I can't help being happy that this arrangement is only for a week.
              Day one down, seven more to go. This will be an interesting trip.

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