Sunday, July 13, 2014

My Fish

This year I made a deal with my parents, if I made all A's this year I would get Some fish! I worked really this year and I did it I got all A's!!!! So we went to the store and bought a tank, some rocks and plants after we set up my tank we let it sit for a few days. On Thursday July 10, we bought some fish and brought them home to my tank. We bought 7 fish 5 Neon Tetras and 2 Male Guppies! The guppies are named Sushi and Tuna and the tetras are things one through five or Chocolate Thunder, Ben, Bob, Tofu, and Fish! Patrick will get a puppy if he gets straight A's so I asked if I could have one too instead of fish my Mom said yes but my Dad said no! So I just got fish.

Alison's Cleaning

I am doing a new cleaning business because my friend that I used to work with moved. I am looking for jobs to do so I can earn some money I am saving up to buy a new FitBit because my old one doesn't work. I am also saving to buy new fish and plants for my fish tank. I work for 10 dollars Per hour. The jobs I do are organizing desks/papers, Dressers, book, toys, and clothes, laundry (folding and loading the washer), sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, baseboards, windows/window sills, tables, counters, dishes (putting up and loading them), doors, and bathrooms! So if you need any jobs done please contact me or my mom!