Thursday, August 2, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

It drummed on the roof and it splashed in the street. It pitter pattered on the windows. Then out of no where a large streak of light came. 1 second later CRASH BOOM !!!!!!!!!!  Loud sounds had hit the earth then firetrucks sounded.The sirens were faint above the sound of rain. We were all snug and warm in the house.  the lights on the TV had the weather on. A bird in a cage under the table outside with a thunder storm. Finally it stopped. But will it start again? Maybe maybe not who knows? All night it poured and went CRASH BOOM FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the morning it was wet there was a little rain and the air was moist. more sirens start. birds flying around looking for food. Squirrels scattered in the extremely wet and green grass. The fence is dark like the trees and the sky. The soaking mud being attacked by birds. Flowers are frightened by the light and cold air.