Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Am Thankful:

I am thankful for:

  1. mom
  2. dad
  3. Patrick
  4. Roxie
  5. Dyson
  6. Dalton
  7. Gus
  8. Sally
  9. Caleb
  10. Jessie
  11. Colette
  12. Marc
  13. Friends
  14. God
  15. Jesus
  16. world
  17. my house
  18. stores
  19. money to help people
  20. family
  21. grandmas and grandpas
  22. cousins
  23. aunts and uncles
  24. cross
  25. food
  26. school
  27. people
  28. dogs
  29. cats
  30. fish
  31. rabbits
  32. hamsters
  33. mice
  34. mouses
  35. foxes
  36. toys
  37. drinks
  38. everything
  39. camping
  40. bike rides
  41. bed
  42. blankets
  43. clothes
  44. books
  45. teachers
  46. computers
  47. Television
  48. weather channel
  49. church
  50. all of God's creatures