Tuesday, December 27, 2011

my new phone

This year for Christmas I got a new phone!
In three days I did 137 text mesages! 
I'm going to order a white cover with pink hearts.
I hope I find more friends to text

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Many scary things
 Oh so spooky
 Nice it's always scary
Scary things are every where
Trouble is in the air 
Err I'm going to eat you
Rats I'm being chased by monsters

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas is here

Christmas is here
Lets all give cheer for Christmas is here.
Christmas is here
we waited a year now Christmas is here!
Christmas is here
listen here Christmas is here.
 Listen now for I hear sleigh bells ringing maybe it's Santa!
Listen listen what do I hear?
Lets all give a cheer! Finally Christmas  has come, but soon it will be gone.

                                            I LOVE CHRISTMAS!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Queen Elizabeth the Turkey

Hi I'm Queen Elizabeth. My nickname is Liz. I was born in England and I live in London. I have a husband named Austen, a daughter named Lilly, and a duck named Lelo. My job is a fashion model. My favorite show is a Turkey Fashion show that is my job. It's around Thanksgiving with is my worst holiday because people try to kill me so they can eat me. That's why I stay in my palace and watch my favorite show, read my favorite book Little house on the prairie, and eat my favorite food ice cream sundaes until Christmas.  I  also dance to my favorite song Turkey Mash. This morning I nearly got shot in the head! This is how it happened. When I woke up it was so pretty outside, I got up went out and started dancing. Then someone shot a gun. Luckily I was bowing and the bullet went straight over my head! So I ran inside and stayed there the rest of the day. I wanted to sleep but the hunter saw where I live. So instead of sleeping I set a alarm so if a human is spotted it will sound and I will wake up and hide. The next morning was Thanksgiving! I had made it! I didn't get shot! I will be safe now! Finally Thanksgiving was over and I was safe for another year!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Biking By Myself

Yesterday I got to ride my bike all by my self for the first time! I had to carry a bag with a phone it to call my mom after I got to my friends house. After we played a while we went to Joes's Pasta and Pizza for lunch. Then we got to walk along the creek. My mom went home and I got to stay and feed the ducks. When I was finished I got to ride my bike back home.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Thankful List

This is the list of things that I am Thankful for:
  1. food
  2. water
  3. shelter
  4. bed
  5. blanket
  6. clothes
  7. coats
  8. warm stuff
  9. accessories
  10. family
  11. God
  12. Jesus
  13. mom 
  14. dad
  15. Patrick
  16. me 
  17. Dalton 
  18. Dyson
  19. uncles 
  20. aunts
  21. Grammie
  22. Grampie
  23. Grandpa
  24. Marme
  25. Angels
  26. friends
  27. people who care
  28. neighbors
  29. teachers
  30. docters 
  31. scientists
  32. the world
  33. the Bible
  34. sun
  35. love
  36. airplanes
  37. tools
  38. stuff
  39. beauty
  40. toys
  41. sweets
  42. cupcakes
  43. school
  44. math
  45. reading
  46. LA (Language Arts)
  47. IC (integrated curriculum)
  48. Specials
  49. Music
  50. Art
  51. PE
  52. History
  53. animals
  54. flowers
  55. trees
  56. grass
  57. vegetables
  58. fruit
  59. soil
  60. nature
  61. The States
  62. paper
  63. pincle
  64. things to do
  65. stuff to read
  66. light
  67. air
  68. books
  69. sunrises
  70. fairies
  71. gardens
  72. flowers
  73. camping
  74. fingernail polish
  75. pedicures
  76. girl's weekend with mom
  77. dancing
  78. singing
  79. acting
  80. iPods
  81. computers
  82. brand new sharp crayons
  83. markers in pretty colors
  84. colored pencils
  85. horses
  86. Girl Scouts
  87. Paint
  88. Glitter
  89. candy
  90. Harry Potter
  91. Legos
  92. Webkinz
  93. Littlest Pets
  94. pretty hats
  95. Purses
  96. make up
  97. warm bubble baths
  98. hot chocolate
  99. playing in the snow
  100. jumping in fall leaves
  101. snow skiing
  102. Colorado
  103. Traveling
  104. Passports
  105. bows and hair clips
  106. Queso
  107. Nachos
  108. Brand New Shoes
  109. Hearts
  110. Happy Dreams
  111. Curly Cues
  112. Glitter Pens
  113. going shopping
  114. baby animals
  115. playing with friends
  116. reading a book with Daddy
  117. getting mail
  118. sending mail to friends
  119. getting packages inthe mail
  120. Church music on the radio.
I am Thankful for everything.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Horse Camp

Saturday November 5th my Girl Scout Troop and I went to horse camp at Camp Tonkawa. It was so much fun! We had to bring our own lunch there. We where there from 9:00 -3:00. First we learned that before we put the saddle on you have to groom a horse so it will feel comfortable. Next you get it's blanket and let the horse smell it to make sure it's thiers. After that you put it on there neck and slide it down. Then you get the saddle and also let the horse smell it and buckle it on the horse. Last you ride the horse! I got to ride 3 horses. My mom got to go with me and ride horses too.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Foggy Day

Today is a foggy day because there is a lot of fog.The fog will clear out soon. It is about 65 degrees right now. Later it will be about 85 degrees. I think when it's 85 degrees the fog will clear out.When the fog clears I want to ride my bike.

Girls weekend

This weekend was a girls weekend because my brother and my dad went on a boy scout camp out. Mom and I did some super fun things ...
  1. We got our nails done
  2. We bought flowers
  3. We made brownies
  4. We went to a friends house  for pizza
  5. We  painted fairy houses 
  6. We made monster rocks
  7. We played
  8. I cuddled  mom in bed
  9. We went to church 
  10. I got to play at the church  while mom took a bible class
  11. We went home to see Dad and Patrick

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How Many Balloons

How Many Balloons
By Alison Bell

How many balloons to lift me up 50, 100, 1,000? How should I know? If I knew, where would I go? Around the world I guess.  I know I will try and figure it out! 50 no. 100 no. 1,000 Yes! Up Up and away! Whoosh. Up off the ground and in to the air. Up I go! From America to China to France to England to Canada and back to America. WOW! That is how I know how many balloons will lift me up.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Yesterday I had a great surprise. I got to go home with Mrs. Griffith after school. She is going to teach me and Anne-Claire how to knit. I learned how to hold the knitting needles and make stitches. we are going to learn how to make hats, scarfs, and coats. The hats will be for people with cancer.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Colorado/Alanta trip

On Saturday we left to go to Colorado until Thursday. The things we did there were sliding down the mountain, eating ice cream, playing golf, going swimming, and seeing prairie dogs. On Thursday night we went to Atlanta. We saw a baseball game, we went to six flags, we went to Margaret's house, and we went bowling. At six flags I did a scary roller coaster called the Ninja. We won the bowling game and we got a trophy. We also got to dance. It was awesome. I want to do it next year.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Mermaid Picture

This is my mermaid. I drew her for my teacher. I am also going to write her a letter because I will not be here for meet the teacher day. I hope my teacher likes it.

If I could have lunch with a famous person...

If I could have lunch with a famous it would be Gabriella from High school musical. We would go to a Mexican restaurant. We will have ice cream for desert. We would talk about girl stuff. I would ask her if it is fun being famous.

Friday, August 5, 2011

3rd grade

I am so excited about starting 3rd grade! I can't wait. The things I will need are a binder, pencils, crayons, pencil box, lunch box, and a back pack. I will love 3rd grade! I can't wait to see my friends that I missed. I hope I get Mrs. Bui or Mrs. Young.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I Am

  1. I am going into 3rd grade
  2. I wonder how to cook
  3. I hear birds in the sky
  4. I want another puppy
  5. I am 8 years old
  6. I pretend my animals are real
  7. I feel happy
  8. I touch my dog 
  9. I worry that Dalton will break my dolls
  10. I cry when I get hurt
  11. I am Ali Cat
  12. I understand I'm Gods child
  13. I say I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream
  14. I dream of camping
  15. I try to blog a lot
  16. I hope I become rich
  17. I am helpful

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Poem About Feelings

I'm as happy as a kitten with a ball of yarn.
I'm as happy as  a horse in a barn.
I'm as lonely as a lizard  in a jar.
I'm as sad as a butter fly with out its wings.
I'm as unhappy as a shark  that's lost its teeth.
I'm as happy as a dolphin  in the ocean.
I'm as sad as a snail in a shell.
I'm as sad as a leopard  in a field.

Things That go Together

                                                                                Cats with yarn
                                                                                 Horse with barn
                                                                                Birds with song
                                                                                Bells with ding dong

                                                                                Dog with bone
                                                                                River with stone        

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The coyote

Today on the way to apple camp we saw a coyote. This coyote lives in a suburban  area. It was a skinny coyote. It probably   was skinny because it did not  get enough food.I think there are more coyotes around here. They are probably skinny to.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Bows

Today I got new bows in the mail!  I got two of each pair of flower bows. I took nice and  funny pictures. I can't wait until I get to show my bows to my friends. Each day I will where one pair of bows. When I wear each pair of bows I will mix match them in pairs or wear them in matching pairs.

                                                        I LOVE MY NEW BOWS!

If you like my bows, go to Claire James Creations. She made my great bows for me.

Twighlight Hollow - Girl Scout Camp

On June 13 - 17 I went to Girl Scout Camp at Bob Woodruff Park. We did lots of really cool things and we stayed up late each night. We did things like the Zip Line, archery, cooking songs games and crafts. I had a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again next year.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

my new room before and after

I painted my room sugared lime Sunday afternoon! First I took everything out of my room. Next I got the green sugared lime paint and the paint brushes ready. Then my mom,dad,brother,and I started to paint!After that when the paint dried we put all the stuff back in my room. Last I enjoyed my room.