Thursday, January 14, 2010

Patrick's Story

One long summer while we were camping I decided to sleep late but when I woke up and my back was hurting . Ow, Ow ,Ow,Ow. As I stood up on my knees I heard a POW!!! What was that ??? OH, NO it was my mattress! As I stood up on my feet I heard a ripping sound. Oh my gosh I ripped the 60 foot tent! Alison screamed, run its BIG FOOT!!! No its not its Patrick. Dad said. How did you get so big? Alison asked.

Call the police! Alison said. No call the doctor! Mom said.

So when the doctor got here he said, I'm Dr. Dyson ,and this is my assistant Dalton, How can I help you?
Not us HIM!!! WOW!!! YOUR really BIG! while Dalton works on the medicine ,I am going to see if I can figure out whats wrong.

Well I can't see what is wrong , but Dalton is done so here take it .
WOW I'm at my Normal size again.
Thanks Dr. Dyson, and Dalton.

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