Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Friend Madi

Me and my friend Madi had a playdate and we play Littlest pet shop and we got all the pets in the shop me and Madi did a craft I made a flower she made a persin we both mad a
snowflake when we were done cleaning the hall we all had hot chocolate.

We made a list of how we are alike.

1 hair
2 earings
3 church
4 dogs
5 one brother
6 both are silly
7 we both like littlist pets
8 not jewish
9 dont like rain
10 like snow
11 both girls
12 like ice cream
13 like to swim
14 like to play
15 like shcool
16 like basketball
17 like dots and stripes
18 like dimonds
19 love camping
20 we can ride 2 wheeled bikes
21 like pink
22 like purple
23 lost teeth
24 best friends
25 cute
26 like boys
27 like paint nails and toes
28 like to sing
29 dance
30 Make silly noise
31 like webkinz
32 like crafts
33 both have poodle and cat webkiz
34 like new clothes

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