Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I'm Thankful For...

I'm thankful for

  1. food
  2. water
  3. clothes
  4. shelter
  5. the sun
  6. the earth
  7. family 
  8. friends
  9. mom
  10. dad
  11. Patrick
  12. Roxie
  13. Grammie
  14. Grampy
  15. Marme
  16. Grandpa
  17. Hayley
  18. Kevin
  19. Dyson 
  20. Dalton
  21. Jared
  22. Heather
  23. Walter
  24. Noah
  25. Stephen
  26. Allison
  27. Uncle Steven
  28. Aunt Mary Ann
  29. books 
  30. laptop
  31. pools
  32. bikes
  33. air
  34. trees
  35. flowers 
  36. plants
  37. games
  38. animals
  39. TV
  40. movies
  41. fairies
  42. leaves
  43. toys
  44. cars 
  45. technology
  46. shoes
  47. humans
  48. planets
  49. cooking
  50. school
  51. pets
  52. creeks
  53. ponds
  54. lakes
  55. oceans
  56. the sky
  57. kindles
  58. iPods
  59. phones
  60. ice cream
  61. quseo
  62. sleep
  63. light
  64. God
  65. Jesus
  66. the cross
  67. the bible
  68. day
  69. night
  70. life
  71. dresses
  72. jewlrey
  73. Wii
  74. birds
  75. bunnies
  76. nature
  77. Harry Potter
  78. Matilda
  79. Horses
  80. camping
  81. swimming
  82. walking
  83. jogging
  84. Holidays
  85. my birthday
  86. balloons
  87. pictures
  88. paint
  89. crayons
  90. markers
  91. pencils
  92. videos
  93. tiaras
  94. demands 
  95. glow sticks
  96. pilgrims
  97. Indians
  98. crops 
  99. fish
  100. The First Thanksgiving

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